People who were Realised Souls / Great Souls - out of Sahaja Yoga



This site is try to collects the list of people, who were a realised / Great soul, according to Shri Mataji. Please send  for Email all thing you know about - more names and more information, and together we try to do the complete list.

Author and Musician Who are Realised soul - you can find in the page: Recommended fiction-books -  list by Sahaja Yogis


Realised Leader according to Shri Mataji

Mahatma Gandhi
"He did not meditate because he was not Realised. At that time he was not a Realised Soul. His main attention was for this and he will be born again and he will be Realised. He will be born Realised because he was very, very great. He was a Great Soul, no doubt.

He was extremely great as a human being. But realisation is very different. It's another realm into which human beings go. His meditation was to ponder about things and to guide oneself, but not the kind of meditation where we become thoughtlessly aware. It's a different dimension in your awareness." (Shri Mataji, Radio Interview, Hong Kong, 1992 - )

Rajiv Gandhi (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Talk on Sahaja Culture, 26/10/85)

Abraham Lincoln -

Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich :"Thanks to Gorbachev who is another realized soul" (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, in Christchurch, New Zealand, 26 February 1992,

Anwar Sadat -

Martin Luther King

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Ataturk)

John the Baptist

If You know more please send the information

Other Realised soul

C.G. Jung 

Albert Einstein

Michelangelo: "Michelangelo was a realized soul. So his work is eternal art. And, they produce art which creates vibrations" (Radio Interview, Santa Cruz, October 1983- link)

Da Vinci, Leonardo

Prasad Rao Salve - Shri Mataji's father: "My father was a realized soul like Khalil Gibran" (Shri Mataji, Vienna,; "My father understood Me much better because he was a Realised Soul" (Shri Mataji, Radio Interview, Hong Kong, 1992, as it's quote in Nirmal Fragrance, pg' 183).

Bjorn Rune Borg  and John MacEnroe - "they are the people who are realized souls. You have some tennis players who are realized souls also... Yah! MacEnroe is a realized soul and Borg is also" (Radio Interview, Santa Cruz, October 1983- link)


How can one be Realized Soul when Mother here now

Interviewer: Are you saying then that William Blake was Realised Soul ?

Shri Mataji: Yes, Of course.

Interviewer: How can one be Realised Soul when you're here now.

Shri Mataji: (laughing) You see, there were many Realised Souls before also, and it's the power (which) is all-pervading; is eternal, is all-existing. All of these great Saint like we can say John the Baptist was Realised Soul, Shakespeare was a great Realised Soul. He was tremendous, the way he tried to show the futility of life. He definitely was a Realised Soul. And this you will know by feeling the vibration of these people, whether they were Realised or not. You can feel the vibration that they were Realised Souls. And these Realised Souls (existed) thousand of years back. Like on a tree, there are only one or two flowers to begin with, then gradually the blossom time come and there are many flowers and there are many fruits for growth.

                                                                                                                 (Radio Interview, Hong Kong, 1992, as it's quote in Nirmal Fragrance, pg' 188).


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Sahaja Yogis, please send yours recommendation to email,

and please give your remarks and anything more that you know about that book.




* Recommended fiction-books (Novels) -  list by Sahaja Yogis  The Author and Musician Who are Realised soul and other recommended books.

* Sahaja Biographical Dictionary